FCA Fit is a journey to physical, mental and spiritual wellness. We combine cutting edge training on proper work-out strategies that will push you to new limits and greater physical performance with deep conversations around your true purpose that can change you forever.
FCA Fit exists to move Coaches & Athletes to higher performance and higher purpose. We seek to accomplish this in the physical, mental and spiritual lives of those we serve. Our desire is to see coaches and athletes transformed by Jesus Christ through the avenue of fitness.
GOD SIZED VISION: FCA Fit is the result of God bringing folks together with a shared vision. Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) has a vision to see every coach and athlete in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. This vision aligned perfectly with the one that God gave to Jake Foster (Foster Fitness) and Conner Custodio. Each of these men have the desire to see coaches and athletes achieve higher performance in their sport and higher purpose for their life as they encounter Jesus Christ in the gym.
Post Office Box 1971
Lakeland, FL 33802-1971